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Our Service

360Media offers three core service packages: Elite Package, Premium Package, and Enterprise &Strategy Package, designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses ranging from startups to large-scale brands.

To express gratitude to the companies sponsoring the 73rd Miss Universe China Competition - Melbourne 2024 Australian Regional Division, and to better promote your brand, the Miss Universe event organizers are specially gifting all sponsoring companies a 12-month basic elite media package from 360 Media, effective immediately and free of charge.

360 Media Service Elite Package

Building Brand Exposure from the Ground Up

Professional Live Studio Interviews: Share your brand’s story and captivate your audience through professional live interviews.

Content Upload on 360Media Platform: Ensure precise dissemination of your brand message via the 360Media platform.

Product Endorsements by Influencers: Boost brand credibility and market influence by collaborating with industry influencers.

MCN (Multi-Channel Network) Connections: Accelerate social media exposure through seamless integration with MCN networks.

Efficient Email Campaigns: Target your audience effectively with high-impact email campaigns.

Ideal For:
Startups or small to medium-sized businesses with limited budgets looking to establish brand recognition quickly.

360 Media Service Premium Package

Elevate Your Brand Competitiveness

Industry Networking Services: Connect with key players and expand your reach within the industry through our tailored networking support.

Venue Rental Options: Access professional spaces for brand events, product shoots, or other commercial purposes, ensuring a premium setting for your activities.

High-Quality Photography & Filming: Leverage professional photography and videography services to create stunning promotional materials that resonate with your audience.

Ideal For:
Businesses with existing market recognition, looking to deepen their reach and further expand their market share.

360 Media Service Enterprise & Strategy Package

Comprehensive and Tailored Solutions for Leading Brands

Graphic Design Services: Craft custom brand visuals, advertising materials, and more to establish a distinctive and compelling brand image.

Enterprise Partnerships: Facilitate strategic partnerships to expand business resources and create new growth opportunities.

Website Design and Implementation: Provide end-to-end website design and management to establish a strong digital presence.

Account Management and Operations: Offer professional account management to ensure consistent brand exposure and streamlined operations across platforms.

Legal Assistance: Deliver expert legal support to address legal matters and ensure compliance with regulations.

Strategic Design Services: Develop long-term branding and marketing strategies that align with your business goals and market dynamics.

Public Relations Support: Build and maintain a positive brand image through expert public relations services, fostering strong relationships with media and the public.

Ideal For: Businesses with complex requirements, looking for a highly customized, all-inclusive service package to dominate their market and elevate their brand to new heights.



横板(桌面端): 宽高比 2.2:1,分辨率不低于 1440 x 650 ,固定高度650px,至少 1 张。

竖版(移动端): 宽高比 1:2.2,分辨率不低于 390 x 844 的整数倍,固定宽度为 390px,至少 1 张。

需提供中英文宣传标语和标题:中文少于25 字,英文少于20 个单词。
提供至少 2 张宽高比 2:3 的半身照。

提供至少 1 张正方形照片。

需提供人物中英文姓名以及人物头衔:中文少于10 字,英文少于6 个单词

需提供长方形尺寸照片: 宽高比 4 : 3 且分辨率不低于 800 x 600,宽高比 2 : 3 且分辨率不低于 600 x 900 各至少 2 张

需提供正方形尺寸照片且分辨率不低于500 x 500 至少 2 张

宽高比 16:9,分辨率不低于 1920 x 1080(全高清)。建议格式为 MP4,时长控制在 5 分钟以内,保证播放流畅。需展示产品功能与亮点。

宽高比 16:9,分辨率不低于 1920 x 1080(全高清) 格式建议为 MP4,时长控制在 5 分钟以内, 突出人物核心价值,提升品牌形象。